ABS - Data by Region - Economy & Industry (GCCSA) 2011-2019

Dataset extent


This dataset presents data on economy and industry available from the ABS Data by Region statistics. This release of Data by Region presents various data for 2011-2019 and Census of Population and Housing data for 2011 and 2016 and is based on the Greater Capital City Statistical Area (GCCSA) 2016 boundaries. The dataset includes information in the following specified areas of economy and industry: Business Entries and Exists, Buildings Approvals, Residential Property Prices, Mean Household Net Worth, Patent and Trademark Applications, Insolvencies, Motor Vehicle Census, Tourist Accommodation Establishments, Agricultural Commodities, Gross Value of Agricultural Production and Industry of Employment.

Data by Region contains a standard set of data for each region type, depending on the availability of statistics for particular geographies. Data are sourced from a wide variety of collections, both ABS and non-ABS. When analysing these statistics, care needs to be taken as time periods, definitions, methodologies, scope and coverage can differ across collections. Where available, data have been presented as a time series - to enable users to assess changes over time. However, when looked at on a period to period basis, some series may sometimes appear volatile. When analysing the data, users are encouraged to consider the longer term behaviour of the series, where this extra information is available.

For more information please visit the Explanatory Notes.

AURIN has made the following changes to the original data:

  • Spatially enabled the original data with the ABS Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) GCCSA 2016 dataset.

  • Some data values in Data by Region have been randomly adjusted or suppressed to avoid the release of confidential details.

  • Where data was not available, not available for publication, nil or rounded to zero in the original data, it has been set to null.

  • Columns and rows that did not contain any values in the original data have been removed.


Additional Info

See activity stream See groups

Field Value
Source https://geoserver.dev.aurin-prod.cloud.edu.au/geoserver/wfs
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 06:03 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 06:03 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-AU_Govt_ABS-UoM_AURIN_DB_3:abs_data_by_region_economy_and_industry_asgs_gcc_2011_2019
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level gccsa_2016
Attribute List Building Approvals - Year ended 30 June Private sector dwellings excluding houses (no.), Building Approvals - Year ended 30 June Private sector houses (no.), Building Approvals - Year ended 30 June Total dwelling units (no.), Building Approvals - Year ended 30 June Total private sector dwelling units (no.), Building Approvals - Year ended 30 June Total value of private sector dwelling units ($m), Building Approvals - Year ended 30 June Value of non-residential building ($m), Building Approvals - Year ended 30 June Value of private sector dwellings excluding houses ($m), Building Approvals - Year ended 30 June Value of private sector houses ($m), Building Approvals - Year ended 30 June Value of residential building ($m), Building Approvals - Year ended 30 June Value of total building ($m), Business Entries - Year ended 30 June Number of employing business entries: 1-4 employees (no.), Business Entries - Year ended 30 June Number of employing business entries: 20 or more employees (no.), Business Entries - Year ended 30 June Number of employing business entries: 5-19 employees (no.), Business Entries - Year ended 30 June Number of non employing business entries (no.), Business Entries - Year ended 30 June Total number of business entries (no.), Business Exits - Year ended 30 June Number of employing business exits: 1-4 employees (no.), Business Exits - Year ended 30 June Number of employing business exits: 20 or more employees (no.), Business Exits - Year ended 30 June Number of employing business exits: 5-19 employees (no.), Business Exits - Year ended 30 June Number of non employing business exits (no.), Business Exits - Year ended 30 June Total number of business exits (no.), GCCSA Code, GCCSA Name, Geometry, Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Accommodation and food services (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Administrative and support services (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Arts and recreation services (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Construction (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Education and training (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Electricity, gas water and waste services (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Financial and insurance services (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Health care and social assistance (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Industry of Employment - Inadequately described or not stated (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Information media and telecommunications (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Manufacturing (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Mining (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Other services (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Professional, scientific and technical services (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Public administration and safety (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Rental, hiring and real estate services (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Retail trade (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Total persons employed (no.), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Transport, postal and warehousing (%), Industry of Employment - Proportion of Employed Persons - Census Wholesale trade (%), Number of Businesses - As at 30 June Number of employing businesses: 1-4 employees (no.), Number of Businesses - As at 30 June Number of employing businesses: 20 or more employees (no.), Number of Businesses - As at 30 June Number of employing businesses: 5-19 employees (no.), Number of Businesses - As at 30 June Number of non-employing businesses (no.), Number of Businesses - As at 30 June Total number of businesses (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Accommodation and food services (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Administrative and support services (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Agriculture, forestry and fishing (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Arts and recreation services (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Construction (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Currently unknown (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Education and training (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Electricity, gas water and waste services (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Financial and insurance services (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Health care and social assistance (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Information media and telecommunications (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Manufacturing (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Mining (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Number of Businesses by Industry - Total (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Other services (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Professional, scientific and technical services (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Public administration and safety (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Rental, hiring and real estate services (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Retail trade (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Transport, postal and warehousing (no.), Number of Businesses by Industry - As at 30 June Wholesale trade (no.), Occupations of Debtors Entering Business or Non-Business Related Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Clerical and administrative workers (no.), Occupations of Debtors Entering Business or Non-Business Related Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Community and personal service workers (no.), Occupations of Debtors Entering Business or Non-Business Related Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Debtors with other or unknown occupations (no.), Occupations of Debtors Entering Business or Non-Business Related Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Labourers (no.), Occupations of Debtors Entering Business or Non-Business Related Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Machinery operators and drivers (no.), Occupations of Debtors Entering Business or Non-Business Related Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Managers (no.), Occupations of Debtors Entering Business or Non-Business Related Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Professionals (no.), Occupations of Debtors Entering Business or Non-Business Related Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Sales workers (no.), Occupations of Debtors Entering Business or Non-Business Related Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Technicians and trades workers (no.), Patent and Trademark Applicants - Year Ending 31 December Patent applicants (no.), Patent and Trademark Applicants - Year Ending 31 December Trademark applicants (no.), Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Total debtors entering business related personal insolvencies (no.), Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Total debtors entering non-business related personal insolvencies (no.), Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Total debtors entering personal insolvencies (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Type of fuel - As at 31 January Diesel (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Type of fuel - As at 31 January Electric (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Type of fuel - As at 31 January LPG/Dual/Other (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Type of fuel - As at 31 January Petrol (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Type of vehicle - As at 31 January Articulated trucks (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Type of vehicle - As at 31 January Buses (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Type of vehicle - As at 31 January Campervans (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Type of vehicle - As at 31 January Heavy rigid trucks (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Type of vehicle - As at 31 January Light commercial vehicles (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Type of vehicle - As at 31 January Light rigid trucks (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Type of vehicle - As at 31 January Motorcycles (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Type of vehicle - As at 31 January Non-freight carrying trucks (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Type of vehicle - As at 31 January Passenger vehicles (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Type of vehicle - As at 31 January Total Registered Motor Vehicles (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Year of Manufacture - As at 31 January 5 to 10 years (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Year of Manufacture - As at 31 January Less than 5 years (no.), Registered Motor Vehicles - Year of Manufacture - As at 31 January Over 10 years (no.), Residential Property Prices - Year ended 30 June Attached Dwellings - median sale price ($), Residential Property Prices - Year ended 30 June Attached Dwellings - number of transfers (no.), Residential Property Prices - Year ended 30 June Houses - median sale price ($), Residential Property Prices - Year ended 30 June Houses - number of transfers (no.), Selected Causes of Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Business related insolvencies caused by economic conditions (no.), Selected Causes of Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Non-business related insolvencies caused by excessive use of credit (no.), Selected Causes of Personal Insolvencies - Year ended 30 June Non-business related insolvencies caused by unemployment or loss of income (no.), Tourist Accommodation Establishments - As at 30 June Establishments with 15 or more rooms (no.), Year
Attribution Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2020): ABS - Data by Region - Economy & Industry (GCCSA) 2011-2019; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Bureau of Statistics 2020
Geometry Field geometry
Key gccsa_code_2016
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[96.8169413940001, -43.740509603], [167.998034996, -43.740509603], [167.998034996, -9.14217597699997], [96.8169413940001, -9.14217597699997], [96.8169413940001, -43.740509603]]]}