LGA-T05 Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Origin by Sex-Census 1996

Dataset extent


LGA based data for Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Origin by Sex , in Time Series Profile, 1996 Census. Count of all persons aged 15 years and over in 1986, 1991 and 1996 census years. The data is by LGA 1996 boundaries. Periodicity: 5-Yearly. This data is ABS data (geographic boundary cat. no. 1261.0.30.001 & census dictionary cat. no. 2901.0) used with permission from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. For more information visit the ABS .


Additional Info

See activity stream See groups

Field Value
Source https://geoserver.dev.aurin-prod.cloud.edu.au/geoserver/wfs
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 07:18 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 07:18 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-AU_Govt_ABS_Census-UoM_AURIN_DB_Census1996:lga_t05_census_1996
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level NA
Attribute List Census 1986 - aboriginal female, Census 1986 - aboriginal male, Census 1986 - aboriginal persons, Census 1986 - non-indigenous female, Census 1986 - non-indigenous male, Census 1986 - non-indigenous persons, Census 1986 - not stated female, Census 1986 - not stated male, Census 1986 - not stated persons, Census 1986 - torres strait islander female, Census 1986 - torres strait islander male, Census 1986 - torres strait islander persons, Census 1986 - total female, Census 1986 - total indigenous female, Census 1986 - total indigenous male, Census 1986 - total indigenous persons, Census 1986 - total male, Census 1986 - total persons, Census 1991 - aboriginal female, Census 1991 - aboriginal male, Census 1991 - aboriginal persons, Census 1991 - non-indigenous female, Census 1991 - non-indigenous male, Census 1991 - non-indigenous persons, Census 1991 - not stated female, Census 1991 - not stated male, Census 1991 - not stated persons, Census 1991 - torres strait islander female, Census 1991 - torres strait islander male, Census 1991 - torres strait islander persons, Census 1991 - total female, Census 1991 - total indigenous female, Census 1991 - total indigenous male, Census 1991 - total indigenous persons, Census 1991 - total male, Census 1991 - total persons, Census 1996 - aboriginal female, Census 1996 - aboriginal male, Census 1996 - aboriginal persons, Census 1996 - both aboriginal torres strait islander female, Census 1996 - both aboriginal torres strait islander male, Census 1996 - both aboriginal torres strait islander persons, Census 1996 - non-indigenous female, Census 1996 - non-indigenous male, Census 1996 - non-indigenous persons, Census 1996 - not stated female, Census 1996 - not stated male, Census 1996 - not stated persons, Census 1996 - torres strait islander female, Census 1996 - torres strait islander male, Census 1996 - torres strait islander persons, Census 1996 - total female, Census 1996 - total indigenous female, Census 1996 - total indigenous male, Census 1996 - total indigenous persons, Census 1996 - total male, Census 1996 - total persons, Geometry field, LGA Code 1996, LGA Name 1996, Object ID
Attribution Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2000): LGA-T05 Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Origin by Sex-Census 1996; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Bureau of Statistics 2000
Geometry Field wkb_geometry
Key lga_code
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[96.82, -43.74], [159.11, -43.74], [159.11, -9.14], [96.82, -9.14], [96.82, -43.74]]]}