LGA-T10A Religion by Sex-Census 1996

Dataset extent


LGA based data for Religion by Sex, in Time Series Profile, 1996 Census. Count of all persons in 1986, 1991 and 1996 census years. T10 is broken up into two sections (T10A-T10B) this section covers ‘Census 1986 - anglican male’ - ‘Census 1996 - islam persons’. The data is by LGA 1996 boundaries. Periodicity: 5-Yearly. This data is ABS data (geographic boundary cat. no. 1261.0.30.001 & census dictionary cat. no. 2901.0) used with permission from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. For more information visit the ABS .


Additional Info

See activity stream See groups

Field Value
Source https://geoserver.dev.aurin-prod.cloud.edu.au/geoserver/wfs
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 07:18 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 07:18 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-AU_Govt_ABS_Census-UoM_AURIN_DB_Census1996:lga_t10a_census_1996
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level NA
Attribute List Census 1986 - anglican female, Census 1986 - anglican male, Census 1986 - anglican persons, Census 1986 - baptist female, Census 1986 - baptist male, Census 1986 - baptist persons, Census 1986 - brethren female, Census 1986 - brethren male, Census 1986 - brethren persons, Census 1986 - buddhism female, Census 1986 - buddhism male, Census 1986 - buddhism persons, Census 1986 - catholic female, Census 1986 - catholic male, Census 1986 - catholic persons, Census 1986 - churches of christ female, Census 1986 - churches of christ male, Census 1986 - churches of christ persons, Census 1986 - hinduism female, Census 1986 - hinduism male, Census 1986 - hinduism persons, Census 1986 - islam female, Census 1986 - islam male, Census 1986 - islam persons, Census 1986 - jehovahs witnsses female, Census 1986 - jehovahs witnsses male, Census 1986 - jehovahs witnsses persons, Census 1986 - latter day saints female, Census 1986 - latter day saints male, Census 1986 - latter day saints persons, Census 1986 - lutheran female, Census 1986 - lutheran male, Census 1986 - lutheran persons, Census 1986 - oriental christian female, Census 1986 - oriental christian male, Census 1986 - oriental christian persons, Census 1986 - orthodox female, Census 1986 - orthodox male, Census 1986 - orthodox persons, Census 1986 - other christian female, Census 1986 - other christian male, Census 1986 - other christian persons, Census 1986 - other protestant female, Census 1986 - other protestant male, Census 1986 - other protestant persons, Census 1986 - pentecostal female, Census 1986 - pentecostal male, Census 1986 - pentecostal persons, Census 1986 - presbyterian reformed female, Census 1986 - presbyterian reformed male, Census 1986 - presbyterian reformed persons, Census 1986 - salvation army female, Census 1986 - salvation army male, Census 1986 - salvation army persons, Census 1986 - seventh day adventist female, Census 1986 - seventh day adventist male, Census 1986 - seventh day adventist persons, Census 1986 - total christian female, Census 1986 - total christian male, Census 1986 - total christian persons, Census 1986 - uniting church female, Census 1986 - uniting church male, Census 1986 - uniting church persons, Census 1991 - anglican female, Census 1991 - anglican male, Census 1991 - anglican persons, Census 1991 - baptist female, Census 1991 - baptist male, Census 1991 - baptist persons, Census 1991 - brethren female, Census 1991 - brethren male, Census 1991 - brethren persons, Census 1991 - buddhism female, Census 1991 - buddhism male, Census 1991 - buddhism persons, Census 1991 - catholic female, Census 1991 - catholic male, Census 1991 - catholic persons, Census 1991 - churches of christ female, Census 1991 - churches of christ male, Census 1991 - churches of christ persons, Census 1991 - hinduism female, Census 1991 - hinduism male, Census 1991 - hinduism persons, Census 1991 - islam female, Census 1991 - islam male, Census 1991 - islam persons, Census 1991 - jehovahs witnsses female, Census 1991 - jehovahs witnsses male, Census 1991 - jehovahs witnsses persons, Census 1991 - latter day saints female, Census 1991 - latter day saints male, Census 1991 - latter day saints persons, Census 1991 - lutheran female, Census 1991 - lutheran male, Census 1991 - lutheran persons, Census 1991 - oriental christian female, Census 1991 - oriental christian male, Census 1991 - oriental christian persons, Census 1991 - orthodox female, Census 1991 - orthodox male, Census 1991 - orthodox persons, Census 1991 - other christian female, Census 1991 - other christian male, Census 1991 - other christian persons, Census 1991 - other protestant female, Census 1991 - other protestant male, Census 1991 - other protestant persons, Census 1991 - pentecostal female, Census 1991 - pentecostal male, Census 1991 - pentecostal persons, Census 1991 - presbyterian reformed female, Census 1991 - presbyterian reformed male, Census 1991 - presbyterian reformed persons, Census 1991 - salvation army female, Census 1991 - salvation army male, Census 1991 - salvation army persons, Census 1991 - seventh day adventist female, Census 1991 - seventh day adventist male, Census 1991 - seventh day adventist persons, Census 1991 - total christian female, Census 1991 - total christian male, Census 1991 - total christian persons, Census 1991 - uniting church female, Census 1991 - uniting church male, Census 1991 - uniting church persons, Census 1996 - anglican female, Census 1996 - anglican male, Census 1996 - anglican persons, Census 1996 - baptist female, Census 1996 - baptist male, Census 1996 - baptist persons, Census 1996 - brethren female, Census 1996 - brethren male, Census 1996 - brethren persons, Census 1996 - buddhism female, Census 1996 - buddhism male, Census 1996 - buddhism persons, Census 1996 - catholic female, Census 1996 - catholic male, Census 1996 - catholic persons, Census 1996 - churches of christ female, Census 1996 - churches of christ male, Census 1996 - churches of christ persons, Census 1996 - hinduism female, Census 1996 - hinduism male, Census 1996 - hinduism persons, Census 1996 - islam female, Census 1996 - islam male, Census 1996 - islam persons, Census 1996 - jehovahs witnsses female, Census 1996 - jehovahs witnsses male, Census 1996 - jehovahs witnsses persons, Census 1996 - latter day saints female, Census 1996 - latter day saints male, Census 1996 - latter day saints persons, Census 1996 - lutheran female, Census 1996 - lutheran male, Census 1996 - lutheran persons, Census 1996 - oriental christian female, Census 1996 - oriental christian male, Census 1996 - oriental christian persons, Census 1996 - orthodox female, Census 1996 - orthodox male, Census 1996 - orthodox persons, Census 1996 - other christian female, Census 1996 - other christian male, Census 1996 - other christian persons, Census 1996 - other protestant female, Census 1996 - other protestant male, Census 1996 - other protestant persons, Census 1996 - pentecostal female, Census 1996 - pentecostal male, Census 1996 - pentecostal persons, Census 1996 - presbyterian reformed female, Census 1996 - presbyterian reformed male, Census 1996 - prsbytrian reformed persons, Census 1996 - salvation army female, Census 1996 - salvation army male, Census 1996 - salvation army persons, Census 1996 - seventh day adventist female, Census 1996 - seventh day adventist male, Census 1996 - seventh day adventist persons, Census 1996 - total christian female, Census 1996 - total christian male, Census 1996 - total christian persons, Census 1996 - uniting church female, Census 1996 - uniting church male, Census 1996 - uniting church persons, Geometry field, LGA Code 1996, LGA Name 1996, Object ID
Attribution Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2000): LGA-T10A Religion by Sex-Census 1996; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Bureau of Statistics 2000
Geometry Field wkb_geometry
Key lga_code
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[96.82, -43.74], [159.11, -43.74], [159.11, -9.14], [96.82, -9.14], [96.82, -43.74]]]}