AIHW - Potentially Preventable Hospitalisations (PPH) - Location of Client (SA3) 2013-2017

Dataset extent


This dataset presents the footprint of statistics of potentially preventable hospitalisations (PPH). PPH does not mean that a patient admitted for that condition did not need to be hospitalised at the time of admission. Rather the hospitalisation could have potentially been prevented through the provision of appropriate preventative health interventions and early disease management in primary care and community-based care settings. PPH rates are indicators of the effectiveness of non-hospital care. The data spans the financial years of 2013-2017 and is aggregated to Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3) geographic areas from the 2016 Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS).

The data is sourced from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) - National Hospital Morbidity Database (NHMD), which is a compilation of episode-level records from admitted patient morbidity data collection systems in Australian public and private hospitals.

For further information about this dataset visit the data source:Australian Institute of Health and Welfare - Potentially Preventable Hospitalisations Data Tables.

Please note:

  • AURIN has spatially enabled the original data.

  • In tables presenting measures by PPH condition, some hospitalisations may account for multiple PPH conditions. As a result, conditions may not sum to categories, and categories may not sum to Total PPH.

  • The counting unit for this publication were episodes of stay, measured by financial year of separation. This may be a complete hospital stay (to discharge, transfer, or death), or a part of the stay if there was a change of care type (for example from acute to rehabilitation). As a record is included for each hospitalisation, not for each patient, patients hospitalised more than once or transferred between hospitals in the financial year will have more than one record.

  • Episodes for unqualified newborn care, posthumous organ procurement or hospital boarders were excluded.

  • Population counts are based on estimated resident populations at 30 June for each year. Australian estimated resident population data are sourced from Australian demographic statistics (ABS cat. no. 3101.0).

  • The definition of SA3 reported varies by financial year. Results for 2016-17 are reported using the 2016 release of SA3 and results for earlier years are reported using the 2011 release of SA3.

  • National totals include data where the place of usual residence was overseas, no fixed abode, offshore and migratory, and undefined but these data are excluded from PHN and SA3 area estimates.

  • All data for an area were suppressed (marked NP) if the number of rounded PPH was less than 5. Values assigned NP in the original data have been set to null.


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See activity stream See groups

Field Value
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 07:49 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 07:49 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-AU_Govt_AIHW-UoM_AURIN_DB:aihw_potentially_preventable_hospitalisations_sa3_2013_17
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level sa3_2016
Attribute List Average length of stay (days), Geometry, Interpret With Caution, Number of PPH, Number of Same Day PPH, PPH Age-Standardised Rate (per 100,000 people), PPH Crude Rate (per 100,000 people), Percentage of PPH that are same day (%), Potentially Preventable Hospitalisation (PPH) Category, Potentially Preventable Hospitalisation (PPH) Condition, Reporting Year, SA3 Code, SA3 Name, Total PPH Bed Days
Attribution Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, (2019): AIHW - Potentially Preventable Hospitalisations (PPH) - Location of Client (SA3) 2013-2017; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2019
Geometry Field wkb_geometry
Key sa3_code
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[96.81, -43.75], [159.11, -43.75], [159.11, -9.14], [96.81, -9.14], [96.81, -43.75]]]}