Geoscience Australia - NEXIS - Commercial Building Exposure (SA1) 2016

Dataset extent


This dataset presents information about commercial building exposure in Australia from the 7th version of the National Exposure Information System (NEXIS), a modelling capability designed by Geoscience Australian (GA) to provide comprehensive and nationally consistent exposure information. This enabled users to better understand the potential elements at risk in Australia.

This data is aggregated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical Area 1 (SA1) 2011 boundaries.

For more information please visit the Geoscience Australia Product catalogue or the Nexis Building Exposure Metadata Document.

AURIN has spatially enabled the original data with the ABS Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) SA1 2011 dataset.


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Field Value
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 07:26 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 07:26 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-AU_Govt_GA-UoM_AURIN_DB:nexis_commercial_building_exposure_sa1_2016
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level sa1
Attribute List Commercial building footprint (m2), Commercial structural value, Floor Area of 1-3 Storey Concrete Frame, Other Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 1-3 Storey Concrete Frame, URM Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 1-3 Storey Load Bearing Masonry, Concrete Column Floors Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 1-3 Storey Load Bearing Masonry, Steel Beams and Columns Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 1-3 Storey Load Bearing Masonry, Timber Column Floors Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 1-3 Storey Steel Frame, URM Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 1-3 Storey Steelframe Frame, Other Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 36+ Storey Concrete Frame Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 36+ Storey Steel Frame Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 4-7 Storey Concrete Frame, Other Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 4-7 Storey Concrete Frame, URM Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 4-7 Storey Load Bearing Masonry, Concrete Column Floors Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 4-7 Storey Load Bearing Masonry, Steel Beams and Columns Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 4-7 Storey Load Bearing Masonry, Timber Column Floors Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 4-7 Storey Steel Frame, URM Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 4-7 Storey Steelframe Frame, Other Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 8-35 Storey Concrete Frame Commercial Buildings (sqm), Floor Area of 8-35 Storey Steel Frame Commercial Buildings (sqm), Number of 1-3 Storey Concrete Frame, Other Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings, Number of 1-3 Storey Concrete Frame, URM Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings, Number of 1-3 Storey Load Bearing Masonry, Concrete Column Floors Commercial Buildings, Number of 1-3 Storey Load Bearing Masonry, Steel Beams and Columns Commercial Buildings, Number of 1-3 Storey Load Bearing Masonry, Timber Column Floors Commercial Buildings, Number of 1-3 Storey Steel Frame, URM Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings, Number of 1-3 Storey Steelframe Frame, Other Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings, Number of 36+ Storey Concrete Frame Commercial Buildings, Number of 36+ Storey Steel Frame Commercial Buildings, Number of 4-7 Storey Concrete Frame, Other Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings, Number of 4-7 Storey Concrete Frame, URM Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings, Number of 4-7 Storey Load Bearing Masonry, Concrete Column Floors Commercial Buildings, Number of 4-7 Storey Load Bearing Masonry, Steel Beams and Columns Commercial Buildings, Number of 4-7 Storey Load Bearing Masonry, Timber Column Floors Commercial Buildings, Number of 4-7 Storey Steel Frame, URM Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings, Number of 4-7 Storey Steelframe Frame, Other Exterior Walls Commercial Buildings, Number of 8-35 Storey Concrete Frame Commercial Buildings, Number of 8-35 Storey Steel Frame Commercial Buildings, Number of buildings post 1981, Number of buildings pre 1980, Number of buildings with unknown age, Number of commercial buildings, SA1 Code, Sa1 code, State
Attribution Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Geoscience Australia, (2016): Geoscience Australia - NEXIS - Commercial Building Exposure (SA1) 2016; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Geoscience Australia 2016
Geometry Field geom
Key sa1_main11
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[105.65, -43.6], [153.62, -43.6], [153.62, -10.42], [105.65, -10.42], [105.65, -43.6]]]}