SAHA - Public Housing - Lettable Stock (Suburb) 2014-2015

Dataset extent


This dataset presents the number of tenantable public housing properties by suburb and stock type at 30 June. The dataset includes: the region name, office name, suburb and stock type.

Note:- Data is captured at a point in time. - Includes properties under the Public, Aboriginal and Specialised Housing programs. - Tenantable is classified as a property that is currently tenanted or vacant awaiting a customer to be allocated.

Excludes: - Indigenous Community Housing properties. - Properties set aside for administrative purposes and those which are currently unavailable for rental purposes (e.g. undergoing major maintenance or capital works, recently purchased or in the process of being sold). - Properties that are managed by other organisations as part of a joint venture, or are leased by them.

For more information please visit Data.SA.

This dataset is compiled by the SA Housing Authority.

The data was downloaded from Data.SA and summarised by suburb to show the total number of properties for each suburb (stock type was therefore not included). The data was then spatially enabled using DPTI suburb boundaries.


Additional Info

See activity stream See groups

Field Value
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 06:34 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 06:34 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-SA_Govt_SAHA-ADH:adh_saha_public_housing_lettable_stock_2014_2015
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level NA
Attribute List Geometry, ID, Number of properties, Postcode, Suburb, Suburb number
Attribution Government of South Australia - SA Housing Authority, (2020): SAHA - Public Housing - Lettable Stock (Suburb) 2014-2015; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © Government of South Australia - SA Housing Authority 2020
Geometry Field geom
Key id
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[136.51, -38.1], [141.03, -38.1], [141.03, -31.16], [136.51, -31.16], [136.51, -38.1]]]}