Tourism Research Australia - Tourism Investments (Tourism Regions) 2014

Dataset extent


This dataset presents the total amount of investments placed in tourism facilities in Tourism Regions around Australia for the year 2014. The Tourism Regions covered in the data are from the 2014 release of the Tourism Regions from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Tourism Research Australia's (TRA) Tourism Region Profiles provide comprehensive supply and demand tourism data for all of Australia's 2014 tourism regions. The data includes:

  • Total tourism expenditure

  • Overnight visitors

  • Visitor/population ratio

  • Accommodation (rooms, occupancy and RevPAR)

  • Aviation (seats available and seat utilisation)

  • Tourism businesses

  • Tourism investment (projects and value) For more information please visit the Website of the TRA.

Please note:

  • AURIN has spatially enabled the original data.

  • Where data values were, "np", not published or "-", not available, in the original data, they have been set to null.

  • Only significant tourism investment projects valued at over $20 million are included.


Additional Info

See activity stream See groups

Field Value
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 06:15 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 06:15 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-TRA-UoM_AURIN_DB:tra_investments_supply_2014
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level NA
Attribute List Accommodation $ Million, Accommodation No. Projects, Arts, Recreation And Business Services $ Million , Arts, Recreation And Business Services No. Projects , Aviation - Fleet $ Million, Aviation - Fleet No. Projects, Aviation - Infrastructure $ Million, Aviation - Infrastructure No. Projects, Geometry, Grand Total $ Million, Grand Total No. Projects, Rank, State, Tourism Region, Tourism Region Code
Attribution Website of Tourism Research Australia, (2017): Tourism Research Australia - Tourism Investments (Tourism Regions) 2014; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © Tourism Research Australia 2018
Geometry Field wkb_geometry
Key tr_code14
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[96.81, -43.75], [159.11, -43.75], [159.11, -9.14], [96.81, -9.14], [96.81, -43.75]]]}